Day 3
The flight was cancelled...the can't be...1..2..3..
How could the flight home be cancelled??
Weather. Weather? What weather??
In Barbados.

After getting leaving the hotel at 8 in the shuttle we were told we'd have to try for the later flight and hope we get on. F.Y.I- When you fly standby, you're the last to get a seat on the flight. We checked the evening's flight:overbooked. The people from the morning flight had filled it, of course. Next morning: room in Business Class. But hot damn, we don't have anything to wear!!! We had to wait until our ride came for us to take us back to Dolphin Mall.
Not a cloud in the sky to offer some protection so we were sitting behind a bus stop, waiting. You can see the glare from the sun in this photo. It was around 10am, smh.
Got to the mall but It opens at eleven so we're walking around, trying to find a store. Then I remember, I felt this thing in my slipper from the day before and I'm feeling it more now...
What the frig is this?! A piece of glass is what it is! Thank God that my slippers were thick enough to protect me because if the time I had trying to get this out of my slipper was any indicator of what it would have done to my
Also in this photo, click on it and look at my hand. Do you see how white it is? By this time I was dehydrated, the result of my bottle being stolen. I pray that the person that took it needed it more than me.
The stores opened at 11, we went into Ross and R3 took up more than half of the time we had looking for stuff and in the changing rooms. SMH, he takes longer than me to dress. I went through the rack super quick and pulled these out.

(I bought the top three and wore this one home.)
We returned to the airport at 12:30, went all the way through screening and to the gate to wait until 5pm. But we didn't get on the flight. We had to go to a hotel for the night and try again the next morning. But the gate agent did tell us there was no damn bad weather in Barbados, the plane was out of service! By this time, I was hungry, irritable and tired. Wouldn't you be too?
The Holiday inn was nice ya'll!! The room was smaller but the staff, the reception, empathy for our trouble and the room, it was all good. As I said in the previous post, the tourist thing, :-D.

Day 4
I woke up extra early. I had my outfit ready from the night before and I showered, dressed and was applying my makeup when I heard a knock at the door. "Leann, do you have my shoes?" Seems that the day before, after we returned from Ross, R3 put the bag with the shoes in his checked luggage. No shoes, no Business class, no flight home. Oh heck no!!! Took the shuttle to the airport, we had checked in from the night before and we asked where were could buy some shoes. Turns out MIA has an entire section for shopping.
We go, look, decided to see if we could find other shoes cheaper, walked further, time running out, I bought food and he went to buy the shoes, I walked back, told him I would walk ahead cuz he would catch up faster, went and asked gate, gate on boarding pass wrong, I go outside to find R3 and warm him, I don't see him, I wait, can wait no longer. get into the line for screening finally get to the top of the line and they wanna body screen this time I just did not care and then the other TSA guy says, "No, not her. The guy behind." I'm relieved because when I left R3, it was 10mins to boarding. I rushed through, get on the train. straight to the gate and that big-headed man is there waiting for me. *breathe out*
Seems he went through the screening from before, and got there a few minutes before me. Then...
Ok, I did NOT ask for economy, I selected Business from the day before. I really stopped caring but it was a damn good thing we went to buy shoes because R3 had a seat in Business. He wanted to change seats, and sit together and all that jazz but I was totally fine with it and I wasn't too far in the back.
We were on the flight and that was all that mattered!!! The flight was uneventful, thank God, the rest is unimportant. I finally made it home after the longest weekend of my life.
Next up, I'm being water baptized tomorrow!!!!! Stay tuned for the video.