Here are two more great reasons why you should keep your hair well moisturized At.All.Times.
Single Strand/Fairy Knots
There is nothing cute about these buggers!!! They make the ends of your hair very rough and can cause breakage as well. I actually witnessed this assault on my strands when I was trying to capture one. The only way to get rid of single strand knots is to cut them off. And once again, if you have length goals and are trying to get from that "dreaded" tween stage...nuff said.
Split Ends and Split Strands
I don't know how many persons are affected by this second one. Have you ever examined a shed hair and found that it seems to split from the center? I have a picture of it somewhere because it happens to me a lot. It is so high up the hair shaft that you could probably take a couple inches off in order to get rid of it. This definitely affects the look, feel and health of your hair.
Now, you've read what dry hair can do and cause so let's look at how to prevent it. Next Post!