
Showing posts with label Pardon Me??. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pardon Me??. Show all posts

October 29, 2011

Pardon Me??

Hey Lovelies!!!

Naturals all around the world are using a whole separate dictionary when the time comes to talk about hair, and when you're watching all those gurus on YT and you hear, or see, TWA, BAA, BSL, APL and more, some of you might be saying WT... Stop. No need to despair, or be confused. Here are some the acronyms and abbreviations, more applicable to our region, that are being used.

ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar

APL - Arm Pit Length

BAA- Big A** Afro

BC - Big Chop

BSB - Below Shoulder Blade

BSL - Bra Strap Length

DB - Deep Brilliance

CW/Co-Wash - Conditioner Wash

EL - Ear Length

EO - Essential Oil

EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil

HL - Hip Length

LHCF- Long Hair Care Forum

MBL - Mid Back Length

NL - Neck Length

PJ - Product Junkie

SL - Shoulder Length

TWA - Teeny Weeny Afro

WL - Waist Length

Check out this link for the full list.

Check ya later!

September 1, 2011

Shedding v.s Breakage

Hello, hello!! I'm back!

So a  week or so ago, August 20 and 21, I had the extreme pleasure of participating in the 100 Voice Project!! The purpose behind it was to show that people can come from different countries and backgrounds, speak different languages and dialects but still be able to perform and communicate through the universal language of music, and do so in perfect harmony. I had an awesome time and made new friends while at it! *Large up the Altos!!!*

While I was prepping for the show, I had my hair all sectioned out and in the middle of my head I noticed some really short hair!!! *gasp* 

I know, react with abject horror right?! No. The first thing to do is to determine whether it's hair that has broken, or hair that's now growing. I snapped a couple photos to show you guys the difference!

Broken Hair
I've circled in red a particular strand I wanted to point out. See how the end is blunt and the same thickness as the rest of the hair shaft? This is a broken strand. :-( Unfortunate as it is. It's quite easy to tell the difference because of these characteristics. Blunt end with the end the same thickness as the rest of the shaft.

Shed Hair
In this photo note how the ends of the hairs are tapered off, meaning the strand gets thinner as it comes to the end. These strands are actually new strands that have been populating the inner city of my head. YaY!!!

If you have any questions leave a comment below or message me. :-) Catch ya l8r.


July 27, 2010

“Wuh you does put in you hair?”

For me one of the main inspirations I had for starting this blog was an old schoolmate who had gone natural, and was covering it with weaves and wigs because she couldn't get it managed, even combed! We ran into each other in the aisle of Diamond Girl and she asked if my hair was texturized. I was trying a wash&go for the very first time and told her no and then she told me her hair woes and asked me what I put in my hair. As this was after my new hair discovery I started rattling off all the things I started buying and she was shocked and said I put a lot into my hair. But that’s what black hair needs, a lot of love, care and attention.

On every blog I read and every site I go on, I see naturals talking about their hair regime or they have to incorporate this and that into their regime…their what? Here in lovely ol’ Bim we just ask each other “what do you put in your hair to have it growing so?” Most times you’ll hear, “Nuttin, I don’t do anything with it other than wash it,” and then we say ‘Oh, u mussie got good hair.” As I’m learning that there’s no such thing as “good hair”, it must be about what you do with it. So I went searching for the perfect hair regime, cuz yahno step-by-step instructions for growing long, healthy hair would be wonderful. Unfortunately, as each head of hair is unique, what works for one may not work for all but I found some great replacements :-). Here are the links:

July 10, 2010

*Tweak Tweak*

"Is this link not working??"

As I get into this blog more and more, I want to make it better and better. So occasionally you may stumble across a link or tab that I'm currently tweaking. As I add more content, I'll add a couple more tabs and generally try to make this blog fun for me to write and fun for you to read! :-D.

Pardon Me?? is going to be about all those weird abbreviations you see while reading some of these blogs and on terms that people, myself included, just don't understand. I guess I could also have named that one 'Huh?', lol. If you've come across something that I haven't written about and you want me to, let me know.

I've always wanted to start a site were people could go and find the best price for whatever they're looking for. Soooo, Recession Rates is where I'm going to put price comparisons for the products I'm looking for and the names of the places where I find them. As we are all price busters at some time or the other, please feel extremely free to leave a message telling me where you've found the latest deal and the post will be updated regularly so we all stay up to date.

On occasion, you may also see a *SALE* tab go up that will contain any place that has a sale going on so check back often. As I think of new ways to make things better, I'll tweak some more.

Thanks for reading my blog!