Naturals all around the world are using a whole separate dictionary when the time comes to talk about hair, and when you're watching all those gurus on YT and you hear, or see, TWA, BAA, BSL, APL and more, some of you might be saying WT... Stop. No need to despair, or be confused. Here are some the acronyms and abbreviations, more applicable to our region, that are being used.
ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar
APL - Arm Pit Length
BAA- Big A** Afro
BC - Big Chop
BSB - Below Shoulder Blade
BSL - Bra Strap Length
DB - Deep Brilliance
CW/Co-Wash - Conditioner Wash
EL - Ear Length
EO - Essential Oil
EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
HL - Hip Length
LHCF- Long Hair Care Forum
MBL - Mid Back Length
NL - Neck Length
SL - Shoulder Length
TWA - Teeny Weeny Afro
WL - Waist Length
Check out this link for the full list.
Check ya later!