I totally jumped off the wagon with this blog and for those of you who read it, I'm sorry. How many of you are there, btw??
A lot has been going on with me and life has just been sooo busy recently. So what's up?? I want to know how long your hair has grown, if you like your new cut, if going back to straight hair worked out for you, if going natural makes you happy, if you found that miracle product, WHATEVER! Let me know.
A few things are up with me. First thing straight off, my cell took a swim. Yes. It did. So that transcript that I was working on...yeh, you get it. I couldn't find the usb for my phone so I could take nothing off then when I finally found it, my phone felt the irrational need to cool off, so there.
Secondly, I have not taken a photo of my hair in several months. So no visual record of hair growth to compare to. I do, however, look at my hair now compared to how it was before I got the dye job of nightmares and it's about the same.
Third thing, my ends are not in good shape. The knots and split ends from hell are driving me nuts but I had decided a little while ago to stop being so trigger happy with a pair of scissors in my hand, therefore, I don't want to cut it now that I'm seeing some length. *sigh*
There's a lot more but I didn't want to make this so long-winded. Stay tuned for more of what's going on and follow the blog if you want to know more about the business that I'm starting, what I'm using to repair my hair and to just be an encouragement.
Thanks for reading,