
August 28, 2011

Recession Rates: Infusium 23 (Original)

Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!

You can probably tell I'm kinda excited, huh? Perhaps? Maybe? No? Well I am!!! Infusium 23 peoples!!! The original formula!! For $20!!!!! At No. 1 Beauty Supply, St. Michael's Row!!!!

*dance dance dance*

 *jig jig jig*

My sister, who has straight hair, bought this because when we were younger my mother used this on our hair. I've been looking for it to strengthen my hair and now that she has it...*heh heh heh*
I used it yesterday in a mix: Infusium 23, Aloe Vera Juice, Jojoba oil and a little Castor oil mix. Sounds something like the kimmaytube* leave in but it's not quite, not creamy and not enough castor or jojoba oils. My hair today was so soft ya'll!! :-D I'm so excited, lol. I'll do the same thing again and let you know what happens.

Have a blessed day peoples!!

*Kim Love has been, and will continue to be, an amazing resource in the natural hair community. Check her out!

August 24, 2011

Posting From Muh Cellie!

*Testing testing* what does this button do...?

I just downloaded this app for my N900 that should enable me to post seamlessly on-the-go! YaY!! :-D
So! Let's test this out...

tee hee

unkown tag :-p

Now to run to my browser to see how this turned out, lol!
L8r Lovelies!

*I uploaded a photo along with this post but it took up the entire page somehow :-s Perhaps it's because I viewed it on my phone. Bug maybe? I dunno, will have to check it out*

August 7, 2011

My Hair and Coconut Oil :-(

Ok, I am not pleased! After giving my hair a good cowash on Friday, sleeping with the conditioner in, washing it out and supposedly sealing with coconut oil, my hair now has the consistency of dry greasy straw at the end of the SAME DAY!!!


No, I'm not going bald. That's how I had my hair sectioned.

I went to choir rehearsals and when I returned home tonight to finish retwisting my hair I found this mess! After I co-washed my hair, while it was still wet, I tried sealing with the oil.
On the left is hair retwisted with 100% Raw Shea Butter and on the right, the hair I didn't get to before I left home. I was wearing a 100% cotton scarf, yes, but the left half of my head isn't a rustling mess. :-(

I guess Shea Butter's the only thing that'll work, for both sealing my hair and styling it.

Ttyl peoples!