
October 29, 2011

Pardon Me??

Hey Lovelies!!!

Naturals all around the world are using a whole separate dictionary when the time comes to talk about hair, and when you're watching all those gurus on YT and you hear, or see, TWA, BAA, BSL, APL and more, some of you might be saying WT... Stop. No need to despair, or be confused. Here are some the acronyms and abbreviations, more applicable to our region, that are being used.

ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar

APL - Arm Pit Length

BAA- Big A** Afro

BC - Big Chop

BSB - Below Shoulder Blade

BSL - Bra Strap Length

DB - Deep Brilliance

CW/Co-Wash - Conditioner Wash

EL - Ear Length

EO - Essential Oil

EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil

HL - Hip Length

LHCF- Long Hair Care Forum

MBL - Mid Back Length

NL - Neck Length

PJ - Product Junkie

SL - Shoulder Length

TWA - Teeny Weeny Afro

WL - Waist Length

Check out this link for the full list.

Check ya later!

My Hair

Yo ppls. I am in a funky sorta mood today...just funky. I feel as if a bad mood might be coming on( I'm a really moody person )-: ) so I'm going to fight that off, rebuke the devil and praise the Lord. That always makes me feel better :-).

Soo, my hair today. Well, truthfully, it was my hair yesterday and the day before but let's not focus on that, shall we? Cornrows and twists.

Aren't they some of the sexiest twists ever?! Yes, I think so too :-D. I moisturized my ends with my shea butter mix and twisted with my FOTE Aloe Vera Gel. I love that stuff. It gives me hold without crunch and moisturizes as well. Plus!!

I was copying this style from someone on Youtube and it was only when I was finished I realized that I've been wearing this same style for YEARS!!! Since I was in primary school!! I couldn't believe how stupid I was dred!! I have even worn this style while natural!

Check it out. These photos were taken March 19, 2010. This was, of course, before the dye job from hell that resulted in orange hair. Look at the length and fullness... my stupidity in dyeing my hair makes me want to cry right about now...

The only way not to dwell on this stuff is to not think about it...and to avoid looking at old photos -_-.
Speaking of photos, my Picasa web albums is getting full so I was thinking of creating a Fotki account. Just something else to think about. 

Please keep me in your prayers this week, I have a couple hard decisions and tests ahead of me shortly. Any prayer requests, let me know and I'll keep you in mine. Until next time..

God Bless!

October 23, 2011

Daily Dose of D


Not too long ago, around 9pm, I was sitting on the floor with D. He was playing with his car and I was reapplying the 'ifyouevenlandonmynephewyoudead' spray :-). I said to my little darling, "D, it's bed time."
That child systematically avoided looking me in the face as he proceed to tell me "Not yet."
Not yet?! Where he get this from?! Who taught him that?!? I could only look at him with my mouth open. Then I hadtuh laugh cuz he ain' right! LOL

Child got too much sense for my own good yuh, nuh lie.

My Hair: Single Strand Twists

Ello My Lovelies!!

I hope all is well in your lives and that God has kept you in good health.Yesterday marked one week that I wore my hair in single strand twists (almost typed knots, lol). This is the first time I ever tried them and I was soo pleased! Nah man, pleased is a gross understatement. I absolutely loved them!!

I experimented with the look Friday before last and then on Saturday I did my entire head. It took me a day because I was doing all sorts of things other than my hair. I would have finished them in a couple hours had I stayed dedicated...maybe one day that will actually happen...maybe...

I digress. I finished them Saturday night and although Sunday was a rough, trying day, I remembered to document the style. Seems like the devil likes to attack on Sundays... Nevertheless...

Check it out!

Auntie's favorite camera hog...
...did this...
...*sigh* gotta love him.

The twists started to look a little worn so I separated and fluffed them for church this morning. As I was reminded how awesome my GOD is at church this morning and I was shedding a good couple tears, no photos. Sorry. Puffy is not pretty :-p. I'm washing and styling my hair tomorrow, God willing, so look out for that.

God's love and blessings!!!

October 14, 2011

Everyday He Wants To Get In

Hello Beautiful People! It is a beautiful day! The sun is shining, birds are singing and the wind is blowing strong.

This early morning post comes to you complements of Super D, my amazingly hadsome nephew. You've already seen him if you read my posts. Recently, I've been contemplating putting up D's Daily Doings(corny, i know, don' mind that, lol). He does things to make me laugh every single day and things to amaze me almost as often and I thought to share my little blessing with you.

Since returning from Miami last week on the 3rd, D has come to my bedroom knocking on the door every single morning, asking me to let him in. This is not special, you may say, but it is, to me. See, I love this child with all of me. I sometimes feel like he's mine and he shows a special kind of love to each person. I am his Auntie-mummy, though he refuses to call me auntie. He is truly God given, but he's also the most intelligent, stubborn, willful child I've ever seen. He does NOTHING he does not want to do on his own. There is no spoiling him here, he is made to kno who's in charge and Punishment(the belt) is never far from bad little boys.

But I digress. Everyday, he comes and knocks, waits, knocks again, says mummy, knocks again until I answer. He then proceeds to tell me to open up and let him in, at least that's what I know he's saying. I'm getting special treatment everyday! I could tell you this reminded me of what Jesus does every day. He knocks at our hearts and asks to be let in. That He wants to give us a special kind of love that only He can give. We've made the choice to either let Him in, purposely shut Him out or "roll over" and pretend we haven't heard Him knocking or calling. But what love awaits if you're obedient and if you open up!

Now I could tell you it reminded me of all that, but I'll just say that I now get special hugs and kisses every morning and when D gets home from nursery. I relate to him better and he actually hears me when I speak, for the most part, lol. What about Jesus, you ask? Oh, He hears me all the time!

Okay, so that's your first dose of D. Check back tomorrow for another!
God Bless and Much Love,

Say cheeesse!

I dunno why...

...but right now I really don't care to do anything to my head! It is 12:50am (it was 12:50am and a couple days ago! I dropped harder than the proverbial rock, then procrastinated!) and under this satin cap my hair is in an afro. Yes, an afro! Oh stop with the shocked ohmygoodnesshowcouldshedothattoherhair face. I'm tired and sleepy. Lehme give you a quick run down on what's been up.

On saturday, I was baptized in water and the Holy Spirit at Brandons beach. *Hallelujah chorus* I feel great. On Thursday, I used my Huetiful Hair Steamer for the first time and then started to twist because I didn't realize the baptism would be that Saturday. So I said to myself, "Self?" Myself said, "Yes?" "Pin up your hair for the baptism. Your hair's too short to hold in one and maybe all I'll have to do is wash it out pinned, take it down and go over it with some shea butter or something." -_-...that didn't work, at all. *insert big stupse here*

As i said that was a couple days ago. I did it again last night and yesterday i realized that i had no idea what to do with my head. I don't have any leave-in and have been using a spritz imade with some normal conditioner. I'm not a wash&go sorta girl and i don't feel like putting gel in my hair. I would put braids if I had the time, and money, but I know I'll be doing them myself without help so it would take too long.

Help me out! What should what to do with my hair?!

October 7, 2011

The Trip (part two)

Day 3

The flight was cancelled...the can't be...1..2..3..
How could the flight home be cancelled?? Weather. Weather? What weather?? In Barbados.
After getting leaving the hotel at 8 in the shuttle we were told we'd have to try for the later flight and hope we get on. F.Y.I- When you fly standby, you're the last to get a seat on the flight. We checked the evening's flight:overbooked. The people from the morning flight had filled it, of course. Next morning: room in Business Class. But hot damn, we don't have anything to wear!!! We had to wait until our ride came for us to take us back to Dolphin Mall.

Not a cloud in the sky to offer some protection so we were sitting behind a bus stop, waiting. You can see the glare from the sun in this photo. It was around 10am, smh.

Got to the mall but It opens at eleven so we're walking around, trying to find a store. Then I remember, I felt this thing in my slipper from the day before and I'm feeling it more now...
What the frig is this?! A piece of glass is what it is! Thank God that my slippers were thick enough to protect me because if the time I had trying to get this out of my slipper was any indicator of what it would have done to my
Also in this photo, click on it and look at my hand. Do you see how white it is? By this time I was dehydrated, the result of my bottle being stolen. I pray that the person that took it needed it more than me.

The stores opened at 11, we went into Ross and R3 took up more than half of the time we had looking for stuff and in the changing rooms. SMH, he takes longer than me to dress. I went through the rack super quick and pulled these out.

(I bought the top three and wore this one home.)

We returned to the airport at 12:30, went all the way through screening and to the gate to wait until 5pm. But we didn't get on the flight. We had to go to a hotel for the night and try again the next morning. But the gate agent did tell us there was no damn bad weather in Barbados, the plane was out of service! By this time, I was hungry, irritable and tired. Wouldn't you be too?

The Holiday inn was nice ya'll!! The room was smaller but the staff, the reception, empathy for our trouble and the room, it was all good. As I said in the previous post, the tourist thing, :-D.

Day 4
I woke up extra early. I had my outfit ready from the night before and I showered, dressed and was applying my makeup when I heard a knock at the door. "Leann, do you have my shoes?" Seems that the day before, after we returned from Ross, R3 put the bag with the shoes in his checked luggage. No shoes, no Business class, no flight home. Oh heck no!!! Took the shuttle to the airport, we had checked in from the night before and we asked where were could buy some shoes. Turns out MIA has an entire section for shopping. 

We go, look, decided to see if we could find other shoes cheaper, walked further, time running out, I bought food and he went to buy the shoes, I walked back, told him I would walk ahead cuz he would catch up faster, went and asked gate, gate on boarding pass wrong, I go outside to find R3 and warm him, I don't see him, I wait, can wait no longer. get into the line for screening finally get to the top of the line and they wanna body screen this time I just did not care and then the other TSA guy says, "No, not her. The guy behind." I'm relieved because when I left R3, it was 10mins to boarding. I rushed through, get on the train. straight to the gate and that big-headed man is there waiting for me. *breathe out* 

Seems he went through the screening from before, and got there a few minutes before me. Then...
Ok, I did NOT ask for economy, I selected Business from the day before. I really stopped caring but it was a damn good thing we went to buy shoes because R3 had a seat in Business. He wanted to change seats, and sit together and all that jazz but I was totally fine with it and I wasn't too far in the back. 
We were on the flight and that was all that mattered!!! The flight was uneventful, thank God, the rest is unimportant. I finally made it home after the longest weekend of my life.

Next up, I'm being water baptized tomorrow!!!!! Stay tuned for the video.

The Trip (part one)

Hello my Lovelies!

Last Friday I left Barbados for a supposed great adventure in Miami. Just for 2 days, returning of Sunday afternoon. Well!! It was an adventure alright!

Day One
We flew out Friday morning and when we arrived, we checked-in to Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel to hear that we have a smoking room. Now at first I didn't understand what the big deal was, once we had somewhere to lay our heads, but I soon understood! A smoking room is not just a room we can smoke in if we desired, it's a room where many smokers have snuffed the fresh air out of over time! When the elevator doors opened and we stepped goodness, the stink hit me straight in my face, literally slowing my momentum! And the room seemed so far away! But lo!! On opening the door to the room a new level of olfactory distress assailed us! It was so horrible we had to force open the window! I was doing the whole tourist-like, thing so I got some shots of the room...

While in Barbados, R3 had told me 'oh Walmart is basically next door to the hotel so we can just walk across, I've done it before.' So I was like, 'oh ok, kool.' We decided to leave the room right quick and head over to do some shopping since it was so close. LIES!!! It was a couple blocks away in midday sun that is hotter than Barbados!!! My skin was melting offa my bones!!! By the time we got there, I was sweating like crazy and he looked like he wanted to go to sleep on the floor! We didn't stay long tho, we hit two places after that the last being Dolphin Mall!! I got so excited when I saw the Bath&Body Works store!!!! We didn't spend two hours in there like R3 would tell you! We really didn't...*shifty eyes*

Back to the hotel and we got the room sorted out. Can you(non-smokers) imagine wrapping up in sheets saturated with cigarette smoke?!?! No offense to any smokers that might be reading this but that ain't right!

On To Day Two
Turns out our booking got messed with so the breakfast we thought was included, wasn't. Good thing we bought that Burger King the night before huh? *winks* 

*nom nom* Onion rings people! I actually ate them.
And they were good. So what?!

<<----- Enlarge this picture please my lovelies. You see that silver fixture to my right hand there by my elbow? That's my water bottle. I do NOT leave home without it, obviously as it traveled with me to Miami. Now let me tell you the tragedy that occurred. We walked to Walmart again this day(much faster, I tellin you!) and while shopping I placed my beloved in the shopping cart. R3 moved and took the cart with him while I was browsing and put it at the top of the aisle so I would know where he was....*sigh*...

Some so-and-so stole our cart with my water bottle in it!!!!!!!!!! I was so angry, pissed off, livid!! To believe, that I hadtuh come to Miami to get my bottle stolen!?!?!?!?!?! 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10......20. So now I have no water bottle. That thing cost me $15, and me, being more brek than glass, can't afford another one right now. I felt like crying, seriously. I know, it's just a bottle but you'll see why in the next post.

Happily, I got the suitcase I had ordered since February that evening and it contained my Huetiful Hair Steamer!!! Which I used last night!!!! *boogie.boogie.boogie*
Being me, my suitcase was packed and all forms filled out by the time I went to sleep that night because I was not missing the flight the next day!