
June 22, 2011

Hair Update: My 2 Month Crown&Glory Challenge

Hey Beautiful people! (that Chris Brown song is stuck in my head)

So there's no OOTD for Sunday because I didn't go to church :-(. The car was full as my mother makes a habit of telling persons she'll give them a ride without remembering she has others so my sis and I slept in. Not too bad since we were up until 2am talking :-p.

In an earlier post I told you guys that I have my hair braided and I'm supposed to keep them on for 2months, but...I MISS MY HAIR! I miss the feel of it, the look of it...*sniff* I miss my hair soo bad! But the good thing is, it's growing. It's actually growing. My edges and the center of my head have such obvious growth that I'm excited! Look at it!

June 15, 2011


Hey all!
Sunday has and gone and with it comes another OOTD!

Top $15
Skirt $50

As summer is sooo very hot this year I find myself wearing alot of skirts during the day, and mostly cotton at that. I bought this gorgeous number at CityMart (behind Woolworth). The top was from TopWear. TopWear has got to be my favorite clothing store for right now. Discount prices every, single day on some of the cutest clothes!
Have a great week and thanks so much for reading!

June 5, 2011

OOTD: Outfit Of The Day

Hey ppls. Once again working to that GTGG (getting to GOD goal). The only place that I go where I can really dress up is church so every Sunday I'll post my OOTD! Today's outfit was a cute, cute! 100% cotton dress suited to these sweltering temperatures we're having, a tan bolero and wedge heels. Check it out.

Have a great Sunday!!!

Much Love,

June 4, 2011

My Hair: Defined 4b/4c Curls and My Current Style

Hey Curlies!!! I've found an easy way to define my 4b/4c hair so that I can show off that gorgeous but hidden curl pattern.

New Life Goals

Hey everyone!! Yes, I know I've been MIA but I have some good, maybe, great news. I finished the last exams for my Associate's Degree in Applied Arts (Spanish and Italian)! *does happy dance all over house :-D* It feels so good to know that it's almost over. Almost because I have to wait on the results. If I failed anything, I'll have a makeup test to do so *fingers crossed*.

Now that this part of my life's over, I have some new goals that, of course, include hair. I want to:
  1.  Have a better relationship with GOD
  2. Get my driver's license
  3. Buy a new computer as mine has fallen and won't get up :-( 
  4. Start my own business and
  5. Have shoulder length hair by the end of the year.
I know that all of them are achievable and I've already started to put in some work. Material things I know I'll have to wait on as finding jobs are kinda difficult right now, but not impossible. More on goal 1-4 later and goal 5 in the next post!

Please keep reading and wish me luck!

Much Love,