
December 25, 2012

Prevent and Treat Dry Hair

1. Be aware of your surroundings.
If you work in A/C or spend lots of time in it or the sun, your environment will dry your hair out. Use a moisturizer or leave-in with sunscreen and moisturize at least twice a day. I tend to over-moisturize before going to work in harsh conditions and seal with oil because my hair gets thirsty really quickly.

2. Moisturize daily.
Stating that dry hair needs moisture is really overdoing it but some persons try all sorts of things and forget that anything dry needs WATER to moisturize it! I keep a spray bottle of water(and sometimes a mix with glycerin) handy for whenever I style my hair. I mist each section with water then I use my moisturizer.

3. Avoid shampoo.
Please note I didn't say never to shampoo as hair needs a clean scalp to grow. However, shampoos tend to strip the hair of the natural oils created to keep the hair...moisturized. Try cowashing during the week and a mild shampoo on your scalp to cleanse it. If you exercise daily, this can work for you too, as you'll wash away the sweat and then on weekends/wash day you get a nice clean scalp without stripping your hair.

4. Seal!
Enough said I believe. After you use your leave-in. moisturizer, water mist, anything!, seal in the moisture with an oil of choice. Read the full experiment here.

5. Deep Condition.
Try to D/C at least once every 2 weeks. An intensive D/C helps yours hair to recover from its bad state, whatever the cause.

6. Avoid heat.
Heat makes water evaporate. It really needs no further explanation. Low heat settings on your products if you have to use heat is better. Of course, no heat is best of all. :-)


So of course I had to do further research before bringing this post to you because as the old adage goes "Cat luck ain' dog luck." I.e- what works for my hair, might not work for yours and vice versa.

These sites had the best information. Ignore number seven on this list. Do NOT wash your hair with shampoo every other day. Avoid using shampoo and cowash when possible during the week.  This list was pretty good all around.

Thanks so much for the love and support. Following the blog is quite easy to do and the FB page even easier.
God Bless!! And as always,

As A Natural Never Forget This!! Part 2

Ello Lovelies!!

Here are two more great reasons why you should keep your hair well moisturized At.All.Times.

Single Strand/Fairy Knots
There is nothing cute about these buggers!!! They make the ends of your hair very rough and can cause breakage as well. I actually witnessed this assault on my strands when I was trying to capture one. The only way to get rid of single strand knots is to cut them off. And once again, if you have length goals and are trying to get from that "dreaded" tween stage...nuff said.

Split Ends and Split Strands
I don't know how many persons are affected by this second one. Have you ever examined a shed hair and found that it seems to split from the center? I have a picture of it somewhere because it happens to me a lot. It is so high up the hair shaft that you could probably take a couple inches off in order to get rid of it. This definitely affects the look, feel and health of your hair.

Now, you've read what dry hair can do and cause so let's look at how to prevent it. Next Post!

Ombre Nails

Hey Lovelies!!!

Quick, short post on how CUTE my nails are! :-D

I did these yesterday and now I don't even want to style my hair myself! You like?

December 14, 2012

Scarves: A Solution To A Bad Hair Day

Hey Guys! I posted a new video! Check it out.

Here are some photos from the video and some saved hair days!

 Thank for reading and watching!

December 12, 2012

As A Natural Never Forget This!!

Recently I had the privilege of participating in a photoshoot for a natural hair magazine with some other Barbadian naturalistas. I had soo much fun and the photos looked great from what I could see. The editor, Ms. August, wanted to know what was the best advice I had for a natural and my go to product. The product I had to think a while about but that advice came to my mind straight off the bat.

NEVER let your hair get dry!!
I'm not telling you to keep your hair damp or to spray it with water every hour. I'm talking about keeping your hair well moisturized at ALL times and not letting it get bone dry. You know, that hair that's so dry you hear it rustling and see tumble-weed going across the road.
There are great reasons why every natural should avoid this and not follow my repeated, repeated mistakes and we'll look at all off them and how to avoid them in this and coming posts.

It's Harder To Remoisturize
When your hair gets that dry, it's more difficult for the hair to absorb any water it then gets. Take a sponge, for example. When a sponge it completely dry and you put water on it, it doesn't soak it up right away. In fact, some of the water rolls off! You have to soak it completely for a little bit to get the sponge to absorb water and that's exactly what you need to do with your hair.

A Tangled, Breaking Mess
Dry hair will tangle faster than moisturized hair and when you try to detangle, you'll probably stop when the sounds *snap, crackle and pop* grate your nerves to a super-sensitive state! You'll get a first hand look at what dandruff would look like if it was black as your shirt will be littered with short little hairs that have broken off of your mane. A depressing sight, if I do say so myself. If you have length goals, even more depressing as you cannot retain length with dry hair, as it will break. Don't try to detangle your hair while dry and there will be no need to shed tears.

In the next post we'll look at two more reasons to avoid dry hair like the plague and then I'll tell you how to avoid it altogether.

Check me out on Facebook!! Yes, I finally did it and the page does have the same name as my Youtube channel.  Please Like, Subscribe, Comment and all that good stuff. A video on this very topic is coming soon.

Thanks for reading and God bless!

December 5, 2012

Devotional- Your Last Thread By Romelle Greenidge

"And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Matthew 14:29-31

There are many interesting things about this passage of scripture, so many lessons to be learnt.

But I want to focus on the point of how God responds when we as his people believe we are on our "last thread". Let's go back to the text, Peter, because of who he is, asked Jesus to allow him to come hence allowing him to walk on water as well. As the scripture goes on to say when Peter saw the boisterous wind, he was afraid and began to sink. The next part is quite significant, Peter cried "Lord Save me" and IMMEDIATELY, Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him. 

Now picture it, Peter is beginning to sink, but the waters have not consumed him as yet, he hasn't drowned but he's at a place where he is desperate, where all his natural resources have been spent and he needs something pass the natural, so he cried out to God and is immediately saved. I believe this is a situation many of us are going through today, where we are on our last thread, our resources are gone, in ourselves we do not know where to turn but I STRONGLY believe when we reach this point and we cry out to our Saviour, He is compelled to move to reach out that arm and grab hold of His people. 

I want to encourage you today that the fight is not over, as long as the waters have not consumed you, there's still life and with life there's hope and with that hope I tell you to make that cry to God with the understanding that nothing you can do in yourself can take you any further and also understanding that the compassionate God we serve will not allow that "last thread" to run out, He will turn up and allow you to have a testimony of victory over that test you passed through. Be encouraged today, the battle is not over.  

Spread this as it could be an encouragement to someone else. I believe God is speaking.

Written by Romelle Greenidge

Share this wonderful devotion with someone you care for.

December 2, 2012

Superfly!!! That is all! lol

What do you think? Back to the future?

How would you feel if you're husband/boyfriend/son came home with this look?

I just.don't.know. Forget that! Yes, I do! lol

Have a great week ya'll!