
March 22, 2011

My Hair

I had undone my 1½ week old twists and my sister, who can't seem to help herself started tugging at one in particular and exclaiming at how "perfect and bouncy" it was. Lol! She was like "give me your phone and I'll show you!" I guess she did, lolol.

My Birthday!!

So I recently celebrated my birthday *YAY*. We celebrated at Laff It Off, Back In Time and then they surprised the heck outta me with TWO AWESOME birthday cakes!!! I'd never been surprised before so I will remember it for the rest of my life! Check out some pics!

I got the flower for $5 from a stall in the river van stand.

Recession Rates: Shea Butter

I love Shea Butter!! It's one of the few things that I haven't stopped using from the time I went natural and it does so much for the total body, not just hair! I'll explain more in depth my love affair with Shea butter another time. Right now, I want you to know the rate!

The last time I bought my butter I got it from C.S Pharmacy and no where else was selling it in its 100% raw, natural state, that I could find of course. It cost $38.95. Yes! Almost $40($20 US)!!

Recession Rate *drumroll please*

I got my TWO tubs this time around from No.1 Beauty Supply on St. Michael Row for $14.99 for 16 oz. and $8.99 for 8 oz.!!!!! To be honest the one I bought before came in a slightly deeper jar, but the same shape so it didn't contain that much more! Probably only 18 oz.

Tip- I find that once you start going to a store and ask them all the time if they carry a certain product, they'll more likely than not try to get it! Very fortunate for my pocket. Get yours quick because two weeks ago they were sold out and I had to wait.

Do you have a rate you want to share?