
July 29, 2011

My Hair: Hair Diagnostics

Hello Beautiful People.

Last night I was reading up on posts I subscribe to on Google Reader and came across the idea of trying out different oils on different parts of my head. I can't remember where I found it but it was a flippin Light Bulb moment! I don't know why I didn't think of it myself as, 3 years into this journey, I still don't know what my hair likes!!! It's getting frustrating but there's No Way I'm giving up the fight.

Today I went into the shower and just soaked my head, and kept on soaking it because, as I learned last night, I wanted my hair to become totally saturated with water. I rinsed my hair with warm water to open my cuticles then set about cowashing and detangling with my afro comb. I got rid of the loose hairs with my goody brush and left the conditioner in while I showered. I rinsed, patted my hair with an old t-shirt and sprayed my leave-in onto my hair.

Here's the diagnostic part. On the left side I used EVCO to seal my hair. On the right, I used this aloe vera blend of I bought eons ago.

Ingredients: Pure Aloe Vera Oil, Vitamin E, Castor Oil, Fragrance, etc.
What the heck does etc. mean in an ingredients list?!?! I chose this one because I want to try out both castor oils and aloe vera on my hair but I have a few things I want to get rid of so I'll be trying out others also to see which one my hairs likes the most.
This curl sprang out when I used the oil mix.

I'm putting my hair in twists and I'm doing more trying out. My Shea butter mix v.s. DAX Super hair conditioner with 100% Lanolin. Yes, I know we've all heard bad things about it but when I first went natural my hair grew while I was using it. Before I eliminate anything, I'm going to make sure it doesn't work.

I'm patiently waiting to see how things turn out. Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

Daily Life: Fluffy Gets a Bath

I had to do it folks. As you can see, my handsome cat, Fluffy, is very muscular(LMAO). He can't quite reach the area directly in front of his tail on his back, resulting in flea dust. It had to go! He is the very best cat in the world and no matter how much he hates water, he never scratches me. I just love him.♥♥♥

Check out this body peoples!!! ☺ Laterz!


Recession Rates: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Ooch! I almost forgot to post this tonight as it is waaay overdue. I found a 17 fl.oz. bottle of EVOO for $8.99 at Solo in Black Rock!!! What?!?! That's what I said!! $8.99. Go ahead, get some. Take a bag though because, as is the norm with wholesale suppliers, they don't provide plastic bags.
Side note: Go Green!

I'm sorry ya'll. No, I do not have a photo of the bottle. Somehow, and this thing still has me flabbergasted, somehow the bottle was on my bedroom floor without the cover on and the other morning as I was fixing my hair after my shower, I glanced to my left to see a glistening substance on the floor. Stupse!!! About 15 fl.oz. must have thrown away and I still haven't found the cover, smdh.

But, as it turns out, I don't think my hair likes this stuff very much. I've been using it on my scalp before I define my curls with gel and I have found that I'm having a scalp itches some and I can feel bumps...I had to be the only one, huh?

Anyways, thanks for stopping by!

What's Up Lee?

Hey Beautiful People.

Soo much is happening in my life recently. I'm kinda tired, mostly mentally. Too much going on and I'm thinking perhaps I need to simplify everything. Shall I list them? Yes, I will as this is my blog and it's my place to release.

1. School
After 3 long years, I now have my Associate's Degree in Applied Arts: Spanish and Italian for Business and Tourism. YaY!! Omgoodness, this thing had me stressed.right.out. I was uncertain of one class in particular but I passed! The best part is that I don't have to go back, seriously.

2. Church
I have rededicated myself to my Heavenly Father and, at this moment, even saying that gives me a lighter heart. I KNOW He's the reason I passed that class, I just do! :-) And when you really think about it dear readers, why bother with all the stress of life if He's more than willing to take over for you, free of charge, without any fine print? I mean, Come! On! It truly doesn't get any better than that! And if you think your life is good without Him...just imagine what it could be like with Him! Omgoodness! :-p

3. Work
School for me, and most others, ended in May and with the world sitting back on it's heels and reclining in recession mode, jobs are hard to come by. In 2 weeks I will know if I'm hired for a job I've dreamt of for most of my life and taken steps to achieve, So please, join me in praying I make it because BL&P ain mekkin sport with these electricity bills!!! My Lord! If I don't make it, the Lord has been juicing up my creative battery recently so if it's in His plan, I'll be doing my own thang.

4. Blog
I've decided to change things up...a lot! I started this blog because when I first went natural, I didn't know there was help out there available to me. I wanted to let natural headed ladies in Bim know that there was help and guidance available to them with YouTube, blogs, articles, etc. Now, I've found myself at a stage in my life where I can't see a change in my hair and with my hair-journal being so disjointed, I'm not sure where I fell off the tracks.
So, there will be a section dedicated to my hair and what I'm doing for those who want to know, another section for whatever information I find while trying to boost my hair health, and then a section on my thoughts as I battle my way though life. A lot, yes, but, that's where my head is right now. I also plan to revamp the look, tonight self cuz right not my soul needs a lift...

I'm not going to try to be a successful bajan blogger or the next hair guru. I'm seriously just going to do me. I guess I chose a great name for this blog after all.

Thanks so much for reading.

July 12, 2011

Defining Extremely Curly (4b/4c/kinky) Hair and Mini Frohawk Tutorial

Hello beautiful people.

I finally took my braids off (YaY!!). I know I was supposed to leave them in for 2 months but I truly missed my hair! Besides, the top was extremely fuzzy and the tent I sing backup vocals in was judged on Monday and I needed to not go on stage looking a fright. Soo...out came the braids and in went a Frohawk!!! yes this is my absolute favorite style and when I find another one, I'll let you know! *wink*

Check it out!

Much Love,

July 3, 2011

For Cherie: Accessorize Accessorize!!

Hey beautiful people. Just a quick something today. For all those girls rocking TWAs, accessories are the key! Bows, clips, scarves, you name it, your TWA will make it look better!

I took this pic at diamond Girl, today! My favorite adjustable hair bands are back and in different colours (at the top of the pic). So get to it and Happy Accessorizing! :-D

Much Love,