
July 29, 2011

My Hair: Hair Diagnostics

Hello Beautiful People.

Last night I was reading up on posts I subscribe to on Google Reader and came across the idea of trying out different oils on different parts of my head. I can't remember where I found it but it was a flippin Light Bulb moment! I don't know why I didn't think of it myself as, 3 years into this journey, I still don't know what my hair likes!!! It's getting frustrating but there's No Way I'm giving up the fight.

Today I went into the shower and just soaked my head, and kept on soaking it because, as I learned last night, I wanted my hair to become totally saturated with water. I rinsed my hair with warm water to open my cuticles then set about cowashing and detangling with my afro comb. I got rid of the loose hairs with my goody brush and left the conditioner in while I showered. I rinsed, patted my hair with an old t-shirt and sprayed my leave-in onto my hair.

Here's the diagnostic part. On the left side I used EVCO to seal my hair. On the right, I used this aloe vera blend of I bought eons ago.

Ingredients: Pure Aloe Vera Oil, Vitamin E, Castor Oil, Fragrance, etc.
What the heck does etc. mean in an ingredients list?!?! I chose this one because I want to try out both castor oils and aloe vera on my hair but I have a few things I want to get rid of so I'll be trying out others also to see which one my hairs likes the most.
This curl sprang out when I used the oil mix.

I'm putting my hair in twists and I'm doing more trying out. My Shea butter mix v.s. DAX Super hair conditioner with 100% Lanolin. Yes, I know we've all heard bad things about it but when I first went natural my hair grew while I was using it. Before I eliminate anything, I'm going to make sure it doesn't work.

I'm patiently waiting to see how things turn out. Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

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