
July 29, 2011

What's Up Lee?

Hey Beautiful People.

Soo much is happening in my life recently. I'm kinda tired, mostly mentally. Too much going on and I'm thinking perhaps I need to simplify everything. Shall I list them? Yes, I will as this is my blog and it's my place to release.

1. School
After 3 long years, I now have my Associate's Degree in Applied Arts: Spanish and Italian for Business and Tourism. YaY!! Omgoodness, this thing had me stressed.right.out. I was uncertain of one class in particular but I passed! The best part is that I don't have to go back, seriously.

2. Church
I have rededicated myself to my Heavenly Father and, at this moment, even saying that gives me a lighter heart. I KNOW He's the reason I passed that class, I just do! :-) And when you really think about it dear readers, why bother with all the stress of life if He's more than willing to take over for you, free of charge, without any fine print? I mean, Come! On! It truly doesn't get any better than that! And if you think your life is good without Him...just imagine what it could be like with Him! Omgoodness! :-p

3. Work
School for me, and most others, ended in May and with the world sitting back on it's heels and reclining in recession mode, jobs are hard to come by. In 2 weeks I will know if I'm hired for a job I've dreamt of for most of my life and taken steps to achieve, So please, join me in praying I make it because BL&P ain mekkin sport with these electricity bills!!! My Lord! If I don't make it, the Lord has been juicing up my creative battery recently so if it's in His plan, I'll be doing my own thang.

4. Blog
I've decided to change things up...a lot! I started this blog because when I first went natural, I didn't know there was help out there available to me. I wanted to let natural headed ladies in Bim know that there was help and guidance available to them with YouTube, blogs, articles, etc. Now, I've found myself at a stage in my life where I can't see a change in my hair and with my hair-journal being so disjointed, I'm not sure where I fell off the tracks.
So, there will be a section dedicated to my hair and what I'm doing for those who want to know, another section for whatever information I find while trying to boost my hair health, and then a section on my thoughts as I battle my way though life. A lot, yes, but, that's where my head is right now. I also plan to revamp the look, tonight self cuz right not my soul needs a lift...

I'm not going to try to be a successful bajan blogger or the next hair guru. I'm seriously just going to do me. I guess I chose a great name for this blog after all.

Thanks so much for reading.

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