
November 24, 2012

How Times Have Changed...

Today I went to collect my nephew from preschool and while standing there waiting on the van and taking sand out of his hair, -_-, three guys pass by, checking me out. One guys says "Shorty(some things stay the same, smh), that's your only one?" I don't like to be blatantly rude so I turn to say no, he's not mine. He heard no, and was like "That's nice man..." and continues checking me out. O_o. Once upon a time the sight of any woman walking with a child was enough to send men running to the hills. As for if you're pregnant, watch out!! smh. All of this made me start thinking about how things have changed.

There are only 6 days till Independence Day here in Barbados, November 30th. On the radio, the T.V, in the newspapers and on FB, everyone is feeling it this year and I just LOVE IT!!

Normally, every year I'm the only one who gets super excited when Independence rolls around. When people play Christmas music during November it irks me to no end but this year, however, I'm more mellow. I'm still really excited, but everyone is talking about the things of days gone by...

The things we used to patent leather shoes to church and the sun so hot your toes boiling inside them...

The things we used to eat..."Dead Man Flesh"(not what you think! lol) and monkey tamarind...

The things we used to play...running 'bout outside for the entire day and playing Chinese Skip...

And as this is mostly a hair blog, the hairstyles we used to rock...
I am Fuh real...(lol) I don't need you guys to tell me, I know! More on this in another post though.

What do you remember from your childhood days? You don't have to be Barbadian to reminisce. Drop a comment below to share your memories. I know you guys are the strong, silent types but you can tune in too, :-).

1 comment:

  1. ...i've none of those memories neither have i heard about such things...mine are of cricketand road tennis(when i actually checked for it) in the gap and having to move everytime a car came.Sundays were my favourite, all seemed purer: the air, the atmospere,light,sounds,my senses seemed perked. i r'mber getting up early for church with the fam,1hr sunday school 2 1/2hrs service, chilling with my friends after then journeying homewards for lunch...a huge"sundaylunch" and a tall glass of fresh lemonade(+2nd & 3rd shares included.Those were the days i actually was full.afterwards realaxing to a 'sunday matinee" show on our black 'n white. immediately after sleep...i emphasize immediately: if u were watch tv on the floor-u sleep there,in the chair/sofa-u slept there...fortunate ones made it to a bed cuz the left during the matinee show.outside was nice n quite n u cud actually hear later was time to watch 'time to sing'.


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