
August 7, 2011

My Hair and Coconut Oil :-(

Ok, I am not pleased! After giving my hair a good cowash on Friday, sleeping with the conditioner in, washing it out and supposedly sealing with coconut oil, my hair now has the consistency of dry greasy straw at the end of the SAME DAY!!!


No, I'm not going bald. That's how I had my hair sectioned.

I went to choir rehearsals and when I returned home tonight to finish retwisting my hair I found this mess! After I co-washed my hair, while it was still wet, I tried sealing with the oil.
On the left is hair retwisted with 100% Raw Shea Butter and on the right, the hair I didn't get to before I left home. I was wearing a 100% cotton scarf, yes, but the left half of my head isn't a rustling mess. :-(

I guess Shea Butter's the only thing that'll work, for both sealing my hair and styling it.

Ttyl peoples!


  1. Hello..just wondering what is your Shea Butter mix. Newly turned natural in Barbados...and now discovering you :(...wish I did sooner.
    ps. i dont use coconut oil broke out my hair when i was just a little baby (mom's experiments) and I have been scared every since lol
    also is there a way i can email you?

  2. Of course, you can email me at I currently don't use a mix, I use 100% Raw Shea Butter. I made the mistake of mixing an oil into my previous batch that makes it sting my nose like nothing else. I believe it could have been Rosemary oil. But, Castor Oil, Carrot Oil and Jojoba Oil are great oils to mix. I like how thick the Castor oil is, my hair thinks Carrot oil is yummy and I love the smell and Jojoba oil is just all around goodness!
    Hope this helps!:D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks! i believe in Castor oil! its all i use (oil wise) but I have started mixing tea tree oil and rosemary oil into it (my hair is in plaits and I don't need to handle it, so seeing if the rosemary oil can promote growth). i strayed there, lol, im gonna try the shea butter soon.


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