
December 14, 2013

Recession Rates! Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils

Today! Today!

I went into (and endured for an extended period) the mad rush that is Bridgetown in the throes of December to bring you guys the best prices for the Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils line of products!!

[taken from the Aunt Jackie's Facebook page]
I received a few samples of this line and, although I'll post my first thoughts next, I'll just say I liked it enough to go out and purchase the entire line...which wasn't hard at all considering that they are all very affordable!

Aunt Jackie's is supplied locally by Bryden Stokes Ltd. and can be found at several stores including Supercentre Warrens and Colleen's Beauty Supply. However, the scoop is that wherever buys the most, the lower the price will be! Duh, right! Cherish is passing those discounts right onto us!

Cherish Cosmetique
Oh So Clean!
In Control
Knot On My Watch
Curl La La

Along with the regular sizes, Woolworth also had cute sample sizes of In Control and Curl La La, bundled together for $13.05! I say sample sizes because there is no such thing as a dime sized amount for me, unless I'm talking shampoo. Hmm...there's a meme to that...

The products in the wild!
So I bought the entire line for $60.96! Since I was completely out of everything but shampoo, the low price was even sweeter. Although I have tons of shampoo, I wanted to try everything for a fair review.

As for the products themselves? First off, I have to say that all four have the most...

1 comment:

  1. Hmm have only heard about this line recently unfortunately. Does it truly work for our hair texture? Tired of the run around for products.


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