
July 10, 2010

*Tweak Tweak*

"Is this link not working??"

As I get into this blog more and more, I want to make it better and better. So occasionally you may stumble across a link or tab that I'm currently tweaking. As I add more content, I'll add a couple more tabs and generally try to make this blog fun for me to write and fun for you to read! :-D.

Pardon Me?? is going to be about all those weird abbreviations you see while reading some of these blogs and on terms that people, myself included, just don't understand. I guess I could also have named that one 'Huh?', lol. If you've come across something that I haven't written about and you want me to, let me know.

I've always wanted to start a site were people could go and find the best price for whatever they're looking for. Soooo, Recession Rates is where I'm going to put price comparisons for the products I'm looking for and the names of the places where I find them. As we are all price busters at some time or the other, please feel extremely free to leave a message telling me where you've found the latest deal and the post will be updated regularly so we all stay up to date.

On occasion, you may also see a *SALE* tab go up that will contain any place that has a sale going on so check back often. As I think of new ways to make things better, I'll tweak some more.

Thanks for reading my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lee!!! Finally made it and I'm sooo excited about this blog. Can't wait for the Recession Rates.


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